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Word of Radience
Av Brandon Sanderson

Bok- presentation: |
Word of Radience |
Författar- presentation: |
Brandon Sanderson |
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From the bestselling author who completed Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series comes a new, original creation that matches anything else in modern fantasy for epic scope, thrilling imagination, superb characters and sheer addictiveness.
Return to a planet swept by apocalyptic storms, a world tipping into war as aristocratic families move to control the shard blades and shard plates, ancient artifacts from a past civilisation that can win wars. As the world tips into a war for control of the mythical artifacts of power made from Shard, characters are swept up into new dangers which will threaten their integrity and their lives.
Huge, ideas-filled, world-spanning fantasy from a master of the genre.
Bok: 245603
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