Douglas Adams
Den engelska dramatikern, komikern och författaren Douglas Adams (1952-2001) är främst känd för ”Liftarens guide till galaxen” (1979-1992), ett science fictionverk i fem delar. Ursprungligen var verket en radiopjäs som sedan arbetades om till bokform och den har även adapterats till scenen, till TV, filmatiserats samt varit grunden för ett spel.
Douglas Adams skrev även manus till TV-serier och har bland annat skrivit för ”Doctor Who” och ”Doktor Snuggles”. Han har även skrivit en rad sketcher och arbetade bland annat med flera av medlemmarna i humorgruppen Monty Python.
Text: Emma Kreü
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Pocket
Finns i lager,
100 kr
The Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy : a trilogy in five parts - Inbunden
Finns i lager,
291 kr
One Thursday lunchtime, the Earth gets unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass. It's the final straw for Arthur Dent, who has already had his house bulldozed tha...
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Pocket
Finns i lager,
115 kr
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Pocket
156 kr
This title celebrates the thirty years of comic genius of Douglas Adams. There is a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. It's not an...
So Long and Thanks for all the Fish - Pocket
Finns i lager,
143 kr
So Long and Thanks for all the Fish - Pocket
Finns i lager,
100 kr
This title celebrates the thirty years of comic genius of Douglas Adams. Arthur Dent hadn't had a day as bad as this since the Earth had been blown up. Depressed and alone, Arthur final...
Mostly Harmless - Pocket
Finns i lager,
118 kr
Mostly Harmless - Pocket
Finns i lager,
100 kr
Funnier than Psycho... more chilling than Jeeves Takes Charge ... shorter than War and Peace... The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - Pocket
Finns i lager,
129 kr
This title celebrates the thirty years of comic genius of Douglas Adams. After a series of events which have involved Arthur Dent being alternately blown up and insulted in more bizarre...
Life, the Universe and Everything - Inbunden
Finns i lager,
214 kr
Life, the Universe and Everything - Pocket
Finns i lager,
100 kr
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Pocket
Finns i lager,
129 kr
Health Monitoring of Structural Materials and Components: Methods with Appl - Inbunden
1668 kr
Health Monitoring of Structural Materials and Components: Methods with Appl - Övrigt
1372 kr