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Young Jane Young
Av Gabrielle Zevin
Bok- presentation: |
Young Jane Young |
Författar- presentation: |
Gabrielle Zevin |
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By the author of international bestseller The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry.Aviva Grossman, an ambitious intern in Florida working for a politician, makes the life-changing mistake of having an affair with her boss - who is beloved, admired, successful, and very married - and blogging about it. When the affair comes to light, Aviva takes the fall. She is slut-shamed, labelled as fat and ugly, and considered a blight on politics in general.Aviva sees no way out but to change her name and move to a remote town in Maine. She starts over as Jane the wedding planner, tries to be smarter about her life, and to raise her daughter to be strong and confident. But when, at the urging of others, Jane decides to run for public office herself, that long-ago mistake trails her via the Internet like a scarlet A. These days, the past is never, ever, truly past, everything you've done lives in the digital world on for everyone to know about for all eternity. And it's only a matter of time until Ruby finds out who her mother was, and is...
Bok: 302842
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