![]() Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid - Pocket
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109 kr
Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid
Av Jeff Kinney
Bok- presentation: |
Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid |
Författar- presentation: |
Jeff Kinney |
Finns i lager,
109 kr
Hi my name is Rowley Jefferson and this is my book. Now I have a diary just like my friend Greg...
Rowley's best friend Greg Heffley has chronicled his middle-school years in thirteen Diary of a Wimpy Kid journals. Now it's Rowley's turn to give his side of the story.
But Rowley has agreed to tell Greg's story along the way, too. (After all, Greg says one day he will be rich and famous and the world will need to know how he managed it).
But Rowley's stories about Greg might not be quite what his friend had in mind...
Bok: 302525
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Jeff Kinney
Den Amerikanska barnboksförfattaren Jeff Kinney debuterade 2007 med första delen i serien Dagbok för alla mina fans. Vid sidan om författarskapet designar han även data&tv-spel samt skriver och ritar seriealbum.