![]() South and West - Pocket
142 kr
![]() South and West - Pocket
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113 kr
South and West
Av Joan Didion
Bok- presentation: |
South and West |
Författar- presentation: |
Joan Didion |
142 kr
Finns i lager,
113 kr
From one of the most important chroniclers of our time, come two extended excerpts from her never-before-seen notebooks-writings that offer an illuminating glimpse into the mind and process of a legendary writer. Joan Didion has always kept notebooks: of overheard dialogue, observations, interviews, drafts of essays and articles Here is one such draft that traces a road trip she took with her husband, John Gregory Dunne, in June 1970, through Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. She interviews prominent local figures, describes motels, diners, a deserted reptile farm, a visit with Walker Percy, a ladies' brunch at the Mississippi Broadcasters' Convention. She writes about the stifling heat, the almost viscous pace of life, the sulfurous light, and the preoccupation with race, class, and heritage she finds in the small towns they pass through. And from a different notebook: the California Notes that began as an assignment from Rolling Stone on the Patty Hearst trial of 1976. Though Didion never wrote the piece, watching the trial and being in San Francisco triggered thoughts about the city, its social hierarchy, the Hearsts, and her own upbringing in Sacramento. Here, too, is the beginning of her thinking about the West, its landscape, the western women who were heroic for her, and her own lineage.
Bok: 288935
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Joan Didion
Hon är en amerikansk författare, journalist och manusförfattare som började sin bana som skribent spå tidningen Vogue. Hon debuterade 1963 med "Run River". Sedan dess har hon givit ut en rad romaner och faktaböcker.