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Dark Angel
Av Mari Jungstedt

Bok- presentation: |
Dark Angel |
Författar- presentation: |
Mari Jungstedt |
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Family ties can bind dangerously tight Viktor Algard was in love. Reckless in the grip of passion, he left his wife and grown-up children to be with his new lover. His last act was a celebratory drink at a glamorous party...Inspector Anders Knutas must find out who on the island of Gotland hated Algard enough to poison him. At first Algard's spurned wife seems like the obvious suspect. But a second attack confirms his suspicion that there's a more complex motive behind the murder. If Knutas is to catch the killer, he must discover the truth that lies hidden at the heart of a broken family - and face some secrets within his own.
Family ties can bind dangerously tight Viktor Algard was in love. Reckless in the grip of passion, he left his wife and grown-up children to be with his new lover. His last act was a celebratory drink at a glamorous party... Inspector Anders Knutas must find out who on the island of Gotland hated Algard enough to poison him.
Bok: 214939
Anmäl textfel
Mari Jungstedt
Hon debuterade 2003 med kriminalromanen "Den du inte ser". Sedan dess har hon givit ut ett tiotal böcker om polisen Anders Knutas och journalisten Johan Berg. Hennes böcker utspelar sig på Gotland.