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Harlem Hellfighters
Av Max Brooks

Bok- presentation: |
Harlem Hellfighters |
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Max Brooks |
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From bestselling author Max Brooks, the riveting story of the highly decorated, barrier-breaking, historic black regimentthe Harlem Hellfighters
In 1919, the 369th infantry regiment marched home triumphantly from World War I. They had spent more time in combat than any other American unit, never losing a foot of ground to the enemy, or a man to capture, and winning countless decorations. Thou
From bestselling author Max Brooks, the riveting story of the highly decorated, barrier-breaking, historic black regimentthe Harlem Hellfighters
In 1919, the 369th infantry regiment marched home triumphantly from World War I. They had spent more time in combat than any other American unit, never losing a foot of ground to the enemy, or a man to capture, and winning countless decorations. Though they returned as heroes, this African American unit faced tremendous discrimination, even from their own government. The Harlem Hellfighters, as the Germans called them, fought courageously onand offthe battlefield to make Europe, and America, safe for democracy.
In THE HARLEM HELLFIGHTERS, bestselling author Max Brooks and acclaimed illustrator Caanan White bring this history to life. From the enlistment lines in Harlem to the training camp at Spartanburg, South Carolina, to the trenches in France, they tell the heroic story of the 369th in an action-packed and powerful tale of honor and heart.
Bok: 223564
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