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Mediatization and religion : nordic perspectives
Av Mia Lövheim

Bok- presentation: |
Mediatization and religion : nordic perspectives |
Författar- presentation: |
Mia Lövheim |
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Redaktör: | Mia Lövheim |
This book presents new research on the changing relationship between the media, religion and culture from a Nordic perspective, while engaging with the theory of the mediatization of religion. In contemporary society, news journalism, film and television series, as well as new digital media, provide critical commentary on religion while also enabling new forms of religious imagery and interaction. Religious leaders, communities and individuals reflexively negotiate their presence within this new mediatized reality. In an increasingly globalized Nordic context, the media have also come to play an important role in the performance of both individual and social identities, and in the representation and development of social and religious conflicts. Through empirical analysis and theoretical discussions, scholars from film and media studies, the sociology of religion, and theology contribute to the development of the theory of the mediatization of religion as well as to the broader research field of media, religion and culture.
The aim of this book is to present Nordic perspectives on the interplay between media, religion, and culture. The book has grown out of the Nordic Research Network on the Mediatization of Religion and Culture funded by NordForsk 2006-2010.
Bok: 196586
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