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Perspectives on Language and Learning = Perspektiv på språk och lärande
Av Moira Linnarud
Bok- presentation: |
Perspectives on Language and Learning = Perspektiv på språk och lärande |
Författar- presentation: |
Moira Linnarud |
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Redaktör: | Moira Linnarud |
Research into both first and second languages has much in common. This common ground is why we have chosen to publish articles on both Swedish as a first language and second and foreign language acquisistion in the same volume. Among topics dealt with are how we can use some of the principles of first language learning as strategies for learners of a second language to reach an optimal result in pronunciation, the importance of language in creating intercultural understanding and how the task given to learners affects the language they produce. Some articles are in English and some in Swedish with an abstract in English. We hope that this volume will be of use to those wishing to find out more about how languages are taught and learnt. We also hope that it will help to create contacts and encourage the development of ideas so that some of the mysteries of language and learning may be solved in the future.
CSL, Centrum för språk- och litteraturdidaktik står bakom denna antologi med bidrag både på engelska och svenska. I boken har forskare både från Karlstads universitet, och från andra lärosäten bidragit med artiklar med perspektiv både på språkinlärning och språkutlärning.
Bok: 155865
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