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The Accounting Manual 2011
Av Norstedts Juridik AB

Bok- presentation: |
The Accounting Manual 2011 |
Författar- presentation: |
Norstedts Juridik AB |
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The Accounting Manual 2011 ? Your definitive accounting guide
The Accounting Manual 2011 is the definitive handbook to accounting based on the leading and normative BAS accounting plan used by the majority of Swedish enterprises, large and small.
The Accounting Manual 2011 offers a comprehensive guide to accounting using the BAS accounting plan, filled with practical advice and instructions on how to use the different accounts and account groups. Clear and useful references are made to the applicable Swedish laws, recommendations and statements published by Swedish and international standard setters.
The Accounting Manual 2011 is especially useful for Swedish parent companies with non-Swedish subsidiaries that often require all group companies to use the BAS accounting plan. The Accounting Manual is of equally high value for non-Swedish parent companies with subsidiaries in Sweden where non-Swedish employees often require information from the companies? accounting records.
BAS Manual 2011 offers:
· A practical guide to accounting based on the BAS accounting plan
· A comprehensive handbook with numerous practical examples and instructions on how to use the BAS accounting plan
· A vital source of reference for all companies with international financial reporting structures
· Continuously updated with new accounts, relevant references to legislation and accounting standards
In the 2010 edition references to laws and standards have been updated and a number of accounts have been added and changed.
The Accounting Manual is also available in Zeteo.
För dig - i koncern, företag eller dotterbolag - som använder engelskan i rapporteringen finns denna något förkortade version av BAS-boken. Den omfattar mer än 2000 uppslagsord och affärshändelser, mer än 1200 konton samt rikligt med instruktioner, fördjupningsavsnitt och hänvisningar till lagar och normer. Boken erbjuds även som nedladdningsbar pdf-fil kompletterade med kontoplanen i excelformat
Bok: 109004
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