Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat 
Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth - Pocket
Finns i lager, 96 kr
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Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth

Av Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth
Rick Riordan
Finns i lager, 96 kr

Honestly, blowing up another school was the last thing I wanted to do. As the son of a Greek god, I've had my share of near-death disaster. This summer, I didn't choose to battle the cheerleading squad, but when two hissing she-devils with fangs are heading straight for you, what's a half-blood meant to do? That was just the beginning. This is the one where my arch-enemy, Luke, is looking for a way to invade our camp via an ancient labyrinth. If he succeeds, thousands of bloodthirsty monsters will attack. So it's goodbye sunshine, hello darkness as four of us descend into the terrifying underground and beyond.


Förlag: Penguin Books Ltd.
Lagerstatus: Definitivt slut
Utgivningsdatum: 20090305

Förlag: Penguin Books Ltd.
Lagerstatus: Finns i lager

Percy Jackson and The Battle of the Labyrinth is the fourth exciting adventure in Rick Riordan's bestselling series. Now with a thrilling new cover look. Half Boy. Half God. All Hero. Honestly, blowing up another school was the last thing I wanted to do. As the son of a Greek God, I've had my share of near-death disaster - and now my arch enemy Luke wants to invade our camp via an ancient labyrin

Percy Jackson and The Battle of the Labyrinth is the fourth exciting adventure in Rick Riordan's bestselling series. Now with a thrilling new cover look.

Half Boy. Half God. All Hero. Honestly, blowing up another school was the last thing I wanted to do. As the son of a Greek God, I've had my share of near-death disaster - and now my arch enemy Luke wants to invade our camp via an ancient labyrinth. If he succeeds, thousands of bloodthirsty monsters will attack. So it's goodbye sunshine, hello darkness as four of us descend into the terrifying underground and beyond...Rick Riordan is the Mythmaster. The Greek Gods are alive and kicking.

"Riordan takes the reader back to the stories we love; then shakes the cobwebs out of them". (Eoin Colfer). "Witty and inspired. Gripping, touching and deliciously satirical". (The Times). "Puns, jokes and subtle wit, alongside a gripping storyline". (Telegraph). "Perfectly paced, with electrifying moments chasing each other like heartbeats". (New York Times). "It's Buffy meets Artemis Fowl. Thumbs up". (Sunday Times). "Funny ...very exciting ...but it's the storytelling that will get readers hooked. After all, this is the stuff of legends". (Guardian).

About the author: Rick Riordan is an award-winning mystery writer. He lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife and two sons. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Rick's first novel featuring the heroic young demigod, was the overall winner of the Red House Children's Book Award in 2006. Books by Rick Riordan: The Percy Jackson series: Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief; Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters; Percy Jackson and The Titan's Curse; Percy Jackson and The Battle of the Labyrinth; and Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian. Percy Jackson: The Demigod Files The Heroes of Olympus series: The Lost Hero; The Son of Neptune; The Mark of Athena; and The Heroes of Olympus: The Demigod Files. The Kane Chronicles series: The Red Pyramid; The Throne of Fire; and The Serpent's Shadow.

Utgivningsdatum: 20130704

Bok: 212153

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Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat
Kundtjänst, vardagar 9-16: 070-692 50 50
Redaktör: Sandra Sandström
Ansvarig utgivare: Linus Glansholm
Teknik: Framkant Media AB
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