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The Last 10 Seconds
Av Simon Kernick

Bok- presentation: |
The Last 10 Seconds |
Författar- presentation: |
Simon Kernick |
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36 HOURS AGO: A brutal serial killer is arrested on the streets of north London after a two-year reign of terror. Known as the Night Creeper, hes earned his reputation by torturing five young women to death.
24 HOURS AGO: Undercover cop Sean Egan has infiltrated one of the countrys most notorious criminal gangs. Now hes about to risk his life in a desperate bid to bring its members to justice.
12 HOURS AGO: DI Tina Boyd has discovered that the Night Creepers murders are part of a much larger criminal conspiracy. But her quest for the truth has brought her into contact with some very dangerous people who want to silence her permanently.
THE LAST 10 SECONDS: A man, a woman, a sadistic killer. As they race towards a terrifying confrontation only one thing is certain: theyre all going to have to fight very hard just to stay alive.
Bok: 212673
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