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Lisey's story
Av Stephen King

Bok- presentation: |
Lisey's story |
Författar- presentation: |
Stephen King |
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Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark. Lisey knew it when she first fell for Scott. And now he's dead, she knows it for sure. Lisey was the light to Scott Landon's dark for twenty-five years. As his wife, only she saw the truth behind the public face of the famous author - that he was a haunted man whose bestselling novels were based on a terrifying reality. Now Scott has gone, Lisey wants to lock herself away with her memories. But the fans have other ideas. And when the sinister threats begin, Lisey realises that, just as Scott depended on her strength - her light - to live, so she will have to draw on his darkness to survive.
Bok: 211225
Anmäl textfel
Stephen King
Han debuterade 1973 med "Carrie" och har sedan dess skrivit över 40 böcker som blivit storsäljare över hela världen. Flera av hans böcker har också blivit film.