Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat 
Thinking the Twentieth Century - Pocket
Finns i lager, 185 kr
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Thinking the Twentieth Century

Av Timothy Snyder, Tony Judt

Thinking the Twentieth Century
Timothy Snyder
Finns i lager, 185 kr

An unprecedented and original history of intellectual life throughout the past century.

"Thinking the Twentieth Century" is the final book of unparalleled historian and indomitable public critic Tony Judt. Where Judt's masterpiece Postwar redefined the history of modern Europe by uniting the stories of its eastern and western halves, "Thinking the Twentieth Century" unites the century's conflicted intellectual history into a single soaring narrative. The twentieth century comes to life as the age of ideas-a time when, for good or for ill, the thoughts of the few reigned over the lives of the many. Judt presents the triumphs and the failures of public intellectuals, adeptly extracting the essence of their ideas and explaining the risks of their involvement in politics. Spanning the entire era and all currents of thought in a manner never previously attempted, "Thinking the Twentieth Century" is a triumphant tour de force that restores clarity to the classics of modern thought with the assurance and grace of a master craftsman.

The exceptional nature of this work is evident in its very structure-a series of luminous conversations between Judt and his friend and fellow historian Timothy Snyder, grounded in the texts of their trade and focused by the intensity of their vision. Judt's astounding eloquence and range of reference are here on display as never before. Traversing the century's complexities with ease, he and Snyder revive both thoughts and thinkers, guiding us through the debates that made our world. As forgotten treasures are unearthed and overrated thinkers are dismantled, the shape of a century emerges. Judt and Snyder make us partners in their project as we learn the ways to think like a historian or even like a public intellectual. We begin to experience the power of historical perspective for the critique and reform of society, and for the pursuit of the good and the true from day to day.

In restoring and indeed exemplifying the best of the intellectual life of the twentieth century, "Thinking the Twentieth Century" charts a pathway for moral life in the twenty-first. An incredible achievement, Thinking the Twentieth Century is about the life of the mind-and about the mindful life.


Förlag: Random House UK
Lagerstatus: Definitivt slut

An unprecedented and original history of intellectual life throughout the past century.

Utgivningsdatum: 20120202

Förlag: Random House UK
Lagerstatus: Finns i lager

Two explorers set out on a journey from which only one of them will return. Their unknown land is that often fearsome continent we call the 20th Century. Their route is through their own minds and memories. Both travellers are professional historians still tormented by their own unanswered questions.

Two explorers set out on a journey from which only one of them will return. Their unknown land is that often fearsome continent we call the 20th Century. Their route is through their own minds and memories. Both travellers are professional historians still tormented by their own unanswered questions. They needed to talk to one another, and the time was short. This is a book about the past, but it is also an argument for the kind of future we should strive for. "Thinking the Twentieth Century" is about the life of the mind - and the mindful life.

Utgivningsdatum: 20130207

Bok: 213852

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Thinking the Twentieth Century (eng)

av Timothy Snyder
An unprecedented and original history of intellectual life throug...

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Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat
Kundtjänst, vardagar 9-16: 070-692 50 50
Redaktör: Sandra Sandström
Ansvarig utgivare: Linus Glansholm
Teknik: Framkant Media AB
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