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Children on Their Birthdays
Av Truman Capote

Bok- presentation: |
Children on Their Birthdays |
Författar- presentation: |
Truman Capote |
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'...We were sitting on the porch, tutti-frutti melting on our plates, when suddenly, just as we were wishing that something would happen, something did; for out of the red road dust appeared Miss Bobbit.' Truman Capote's bewitching short stories, many of which were set in the Deep South of his youth, are among his finest works. Perceptive, sensitive and eloquent, filled with brooding atmosphere and gorgeous description, these three stories tell of genteel eccentrics, evocative childhood memories and a malevolent nocturnal meeting. This book includes: "Children on Their Birthdays", "A Christmas Memory", and "A Tree of Night".
Bok: 213366
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