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The voyage out
Av Virginia Woolf
Bok- presentation: |
The voyage out |
Författar- presentation: |
Virginia Woolf |
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Uppläsare: | Grant Hurlock |
The Voyage Out is the first novel by Virginia Woolf, published in 1915 by Duckworth; and published in the U.S. in 1920 by Doran. Rachel Vinrace embarks for South America on her father's ship and is launched on a course of self-discovery in a kind of modern mythical voyage. The mismatched jumble of passengers provide Woolf with an opportunity to satirize Edwardian life. The novel introduces Clarissa Dalloway, the central character of Woolf's later novel, Mrs. Dalloway.
Bok: 247753
Anmäl textfel
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf räknas till en av Storbritanniens viktigaste modernister. Förutom romaner skrev hon litteraturkritik, essäer, dagbok och brev. Hon drabbades under sin livstid av återkommande depressioner och tog 1941 sitt liv.