![]() All My Friends Are Superheroes Gift Edition - Inbunden
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All My Friends Are Superheroes Gift Edition
Av Andrew Kaufman

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All My Friends Are Superheroes Gift Edition |
Författar- presentation: |
Andrew Kaufman |
Finns i lager,
185 kr
All Tom's friends really are superheroes. Tom even married a superhero, the Perfectionist. But at their wedding the Perfectionist is hypnotised by her ex, Hypno, to believe that Tom is invisible. Nothing he does can make her see him. Six months later the Perfectionist is sure that Tom has abandoned her, so she's moving to Vancouver. She'll use her superpowers to leave all the heartbreak behind. With no idea that Tom is beside her, she boards the plane. Tom has until they touch down to convince her he's there, or he loses her forever. Packaged in a collectible gift hardback edition, this volume includes a new chapter profiling 28 superheroes and lists of superhero facts, including: Stress-bunny's League of Losers, Hyno's short-term relationships and former room mates of the Perfectionist.
New and collectible gift hardback edition of Andrew Kaufman's cult novel. Includes new chapter profiling 28 superheroes and lists of superhero facts. This delightful book will be adored and treasured by all devotees of 'All My Friends are Superheroes'.
Bok: 229491
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Andrew Kaufman
Han är radioproducenten och regissören som också blev författare. Hans första roman "Alla mina vänner är superhjältar" släpptes i Sverige vårvintern 2012. Förutom att skriva böcker jobbar Andrew Kaufman som producent på CBC Radio i Toronto, Kanada.