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Born Weird
Av Andrew Kaufman

Bok- presentation: |
Born Weird |
Författar- presentation: |
Andrew Kaufman |
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A family drama unlike any other from the internationally acclaimed author of All My Friends are Superheroes. The Weirds have always been a little peculiar, but not one of them suspected that they'd been cursed by their grandmother. At the moment of their birth Annie Weird gave each of her five grandchildren a special power that she thought was a blessing. Richard, the oldest, always keeps safe; Abba always has hope; Lucy is never lost and Kent can beat anyone in a fight. As for Angie, she always forgives, instantly. But over the years these blessings have proved to be curses and ruined their lives. Now Annie is dying and she has one last task for Angie, her favourite grandchild. Angie has to gather her far-flung brothers and sisters and assemble them in her Grandmother's hospital room so that at the moment of her death, she can lift these blessings turned curses.
A family drama unlike any other from the internationally acclaimed author of All My Friends are Superheroes.
A family drama unlike any other from the internationally acclaimed author of All My Friends are Superheroes. The Weirds have always been a little peculiar, but not one of them suspected that they'd been cursed by their grandmother. At the moment of their birth Annie Weird gave each of her five grandchildren a special power that she thought was a blessing. Richard, the oldest, always keeps safe; A
Bok: 215193
Anmäl textfel
Andrew Kaufman
Han är radioproducenten och regissören som också blev författare. Hans första roman "Alla mina vänner är superhjältar" släpptes i Sverige vårvintern 2012. Förutom att skriva böcker jobbar Andrew Kaufman som producent på CBC Radio i Toronto, Kanada.