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The Space Between Us
Av Anna Mcpartlin
Bok- presentation: |
The Space Between Us |
Författar- presentation: |
Anna Mcpartlin |
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From babyhood Eve and Lilly were best friends. But one summer apart, one huge fight and 17 years later Eve wakes up from a horrific accident to find her old friend nursing her. At first, their reunion is tentative - Lilly merely doing her duty and Eve distracted by her pain and grief. But during the months Eve spends in hospital they confront both the lies of the past and their present failures. Each clearly sees what the other must do to get a messy life back on track: Lilly needs to leave an impossible marriage and Eve needs to face up to the pain she has caused others and open her heart to let people in. It seems the crisis that brought Eve and Lilly together again was a blessing that has given them a second chance to be there for each when they most need someone to lean on. But little do they suspect that their friendship is under a threat that will change the future forever...
Bok: 213727
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