Sebastian Lönnlöv
The Dhammapada
Jag har läst Dhammapada på svenska, men den läsningen lämnade i-n-g-a intryck så min kombo (som är hängiven buddhist) ville att jag läste den i en engelsk översättning som skulle vara bättre. Kanske är det sant, kanske var jag bara mer uppmärksam, men jag hittade massor av passager att markera och det var klart njutningsfull läsning. Nu ska jag bara ta mig igenom de kommenterade versionerna av Hjärtsutran, Diamantsutran och Lotussutran som min kombo har slängt in i mitt hörn av lägenheten...
Citat ur The Dhammapada i Gil Fronsdals översättning:
Do not consinder the faults of others
Or what they have or haven't done.
Consider rather
What you yourself have or haven't done.
Greater in combat
Than a person who conquers
A thousand times a thousand peoople
Is the person who conquers herself.
Better than a thousand meaningsless statements
Isone meaningful word,
Which, having been heard,
Brings peace.
Better than a thousand meaningless verses
Is one meaningful lin of verse
Which, having been heard,
Brings peace.
Betterthan reciting a hundred meaningless verses
Is one line of Dharma,
Which, having been heard,
Brings peace.
A hand that has no wounds
Can carry poision;
Poison does not enter without a wound.
There are no evil consequences
For one who does no evil.
Irrigators guide water;
Fletchers shape arrows;
Carpenters fashion wood;
The well-practiced tame themselves.
"All created things are impermanent."
Seeing this whit insight,
One becomes disenchanted with suffering.
This is the path to purity.
"All created things are suffering."
Seeing this whit insight,
One becomes disenchanted with suffering.
This is the path to purity.
"All things are not-self."
Seeing this whit insight,
One becomes disenchanted with suffering.
This is the path to purity.
Taggar: #recension #citat #buddhism #heliga skrifter #religion #filosofi
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