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Engelsk utgåva
The informers
Förlag: Pan Books Ltd
Lagerstatus: Definitivt slut
Dirk sees his best friend killed in a desert car wreck, then rifles through his pockets for a last joint before the ambulance comes. Cheryl, a wannabe newscaster, chides her future stepdaughter, 'You're tan but you don't look happy'. Jamie is a clubland carnivore with a taste for human blood. The characters go to the same schools and eat at the same restaurants. Their voices enfold us as seamlessly as those of DJs heard over a car radio. They have sex with the same boys and girls and buy from the same dealers. In short, they are connected in the only way people can be in L.A. - suffering from nothing less than the death of the soul.
Utgivningsdatum: 20061101
Förlag: Pan Books Ltd
Their voices enfold us as seamlessly as those of DJs heard over a car radio. The characters go to the same schools. They eat at the same restaurants. They have sex with the same boys and girls. They buy from the same dealers. Fusing voices into an intense, impressionistic narrative that blurs genders, generations and even identities, these stories capture the lives of a group of people, connected in the way only people in L.A. can be - suffering from nothing less than the death of the soul. "A writer at the peak of his powers ...The book takes us from the first to the seventh circles of hell, from Salinger to de Sade". (Will Self). "Ellis has the ability to capture modern reality with the ferocity of a collector driving a pin through a social butterfly". ("Guardian"). "The Informers is spare, austere, elegantly designed, telling in detail, coolly ferocious, sardonic in its humor; every vestige of authorial sentiment is expunged". ("New York Times").
Utgivningsdatum: 20110401
Bok: 211535
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