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Av Caitlin Moran

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Moranthology |
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Caitlin Moran |
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Possibly the only drawback about the bestselling How To Be A Woman was that its author, Caitlin Moran, was limited to pretty much one subject: being a woman. In Moranthology Caitlin 'gets quite chatty' about many subjects, including cultural, social and political issues which are usually left to hot-shot wonks and not a woman who sometimes keeps a falafel in her handbag. These other subjects include...Caffeine; Ghostbusters; Being Poor; Twitter; Caravans; Obama; Wales; Paul McCartney; The Welfare State; Sherlock; David Cameron Looking Like Ham; Amy Winehouse; 'The Big Society'; Big Hair; Nutter-letters; Michael Jackson's funeral; Failed Nicknames; Wolverhampton; Squirrels' Testicles; Sexy Tax; Binge-drinking; Chivalry; Rihanna's Cardigan; Party Bags; Hot People; Transsexuals; and, The Gay Moon Landings.
Including cultural, social and political issues which are usually left to hot-shot wonks and not a woman who sometimes keeps a falafel in her handbag, this title also deals with subjects such as Caffeine; Ghostbusters; Being Poor; Twitter; Caravans; Obama; Wales; Paul McCartney; The Welfare State; Sherlock; and more.
Possibly the only drawback about the "How To Be A Woman" was that its author was limited to pretty much one subject: being a woman. This book is a proof that she can actually be 'quite chatty' about other things.
Possibly the only drawback about the bestselling "How To Be A Woman" was that its author, Caitlin Moran, was limited to pretty much one subject: being a woman. "Moranthology" is proof that Caitlin can actually be 'quite chatty' about many other things, including cultural, social and political issues which are usually the province of learned professors, or hot-shot wonks - and not a woman who once, as an experiment, put a wasp in a jar, and got it stoned. These other subjects include: Caffeine; Ghostbusters; Being Poor; Twitter; Caravans; Obama; Wales; Marijuana Addiction; Paul McCartney; The Welfare State; Sherlock; David Cameron Looking Like Ham; Amy Winehouse; Elizabeth Taylor's Eyes; Michael Jackson's Funeral; 'The Big Society'; Big Hair; Nutter-letters; Failed Nicknames; Wolverhampton'; Squirrels' Testicles; Sexy Tax; Binge-drinking; Chivalry; Rihanna's Cardigan; Boris Johnson - Albino Shag-hound; Party Bags; Hot People; Transsexuals; The Gay Moon Landings; and My Own, Untimely Death.
Bok: 211112
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