Söker du efter "Christopher And His Kind" av Christopher Isherwood? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
Christopher And His Kind
Av Christopher Isherwood

Bok- presentation: |
Christopher And His Kind |
Författar- presentation: |
Christopher Isherwood |
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In November 1929, Christopher Isherwood - determined to become a 'permanent foreigner' - packed a rucksack and two suitcases and left England on a one-way ticket for Berlin. With incredible candour and wit, Isherwood recalls the decadence of Berlin's night scene and his route to sexual liberation. As the Nazis rise to power, Isherwood describes his dramatic struggle to save his partner Heinz from the persecution the Third Reich.
In 1929, the author packed a rucksack and two suitcases and left England on a one-way ticket for Berlin. In this title, he recalls decadence of Berlin's night scene and his route to sexual liberation. It describes his struggle to save his partner Heinz from persecution the Third Reich.
Bok: 214958
Anmäl textfel
Christopher Isherwood
Christopher Isherwood historier om tiden i Berlin adapterades senare till scenen i Cabaret.