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New Ways to Kill Your Mother

Av Colm Tóibín

New Ways to Kill Your Mother
Colm Tóibín

In this fascinating, informative, and entertaining collection, internationally acclaimed, award-winning author Colm Tóibín turns his attention to the intricacies of family relationships in literature and writing.

In pieces that range from the importance of aunts (and the death of parents) in the English nineteenth-century novel to the relationship between fathers and sons in the writing of James Baldwin and Barack Obama, Colm Tóibín illuminates not only the intimate connections between writers and their families but also, with wit and rare tenderness, articulates the great joy of reading their work. In the piece on the Notebooks of Tennessee Williams, Tóibín reveals an artist "alone and deeply fearful and unusually selfish" and one profoundly tormented by his sister's mental illness. Through the relationship between W.B. Yeats and his father, or Thomas Mann and his children, or J.M. Synge and his mother, Tóibín examines a world of family relations, richly comic or savage in its implications. In Roddy Doyle's writing on his parents we see an Ireland reinvented. From the dreams and nightmares of John Cheever's journals Tóibín makes flesh this darkly comic misanthrope and his relationship to his wife and his children.The majority of these pieces were previously published in the Londron Review of Books, the New York Review Review of Books, and the Dublin Review. Three of the thirteen pieces have never appeared before.


Förlag: Penguin Books Ltd.

In this fascinating, informative, and entertaining collection, internationally acclaimed, award-winning author Colm Tóibín turns his attention to the intricacies of family relationships in literature and writing

Utgivningsdatum: 20120223

Förlag: Penguin Books Ltd.

A book about writers and their families that explores the often tense relationship between writers and their families.

From Colm Toibin comes "New Ways to Kill Your Mother", a fabulously entertaining book about writers and their families. In this wonderfully entertaining and enlightening collection, Colm Toibin not only explores the often tense relationship between writers and their families but also conveys, with a rare tenderness and wit, the great joy of reading their work. Here is W.B. Yeats harshly responding to his own father's literary efforts; Thomas Mann ruining his children's prospects; Tennessee Williams haunted by his sister's mental illness; and John Cheever being beastly to his wife. Praise for New Ways to Kill Your Mother: "A brilliant book...Toibin is a supple, subtle thinker, alive to hints and undertones, wary of absolute truths". (Robert Hanks, "New Statesman"). "A penetrating and often very funny inquiry into the fraught complicity between parent and child, brother and sister". ("Daily Telegraph"). "Insightful and compassionate, assured and knowledgeable, never less than fascinating. An impressive, fine and engaging collection". ("Independent on Sunday"). Colm Toibin was born in Ireland in 1955. He is the author of seven novels, including "The Master" which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize , Brooklyn which won the Costa Novel Award and, most recently, "The Testament of Mary", and two volumes of short stories. His non-fiction includes "Lady Gregory's Toothbrush" and "Love in a Dark Time: Gay Lives from Wilde to Almovodar". He is a contributing editor at the "London Review of Books" and has been visiting writer at Stanford, Princeton, the University of Texas at Austin and Manchester University. He is currently Mellon Professor in the Humanities in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University.

Utgivningsdatum: 20130307

Bok: 213860

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The Testament of Mary (eng)

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New Ways to Kill Your Mother (eng)

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In a small town in the south-east of Ireland in the 1950s, Eilis ...

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Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat
Kundtjänst, vardagar 9-16: 070-692 50 50
Redaktör: Sandra Sandström
Ansvarig utgivare: Linus Glansholm
Teknik: Framkant Media AB
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