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The Border Trilogy
Av Cormac McCarthy

Bok- presentation: |
The Border Trilogy |
Författar- presentation: |
Cormac McCarthy |
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"The Border Trilogy" chronicles the coming-of-age of two young men in the south west of America. John Grady Cole and Billy Parham, two cowboys of the old school, are poised on the edge of a world about to change forever. Their journeys across the border into Mexico, each an adventure fraught with fear and pain, mark a passage into adulthood, and eventual salvation. McCarthy's clean, hard language evokes the physicality of an unforgiving landscape, the determination of the characters who roam within it, and the vanishing world of the Old West, where blood, violence and dying are conditions of life. Beautiful and brutal, filled with sorrow and humour, "The Border Trilogy" is both an epic love story an exhilarating elegy for the American Frontier.
Bok: 211527
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