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The Sick Rose
Av Erin Kelly

Bok- presentation: |
The Sick Rose |
Författar- presentation: |
Erin Kelly |
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'You kept my secret. I know yours now. That makes us even.' Paul has been led into a life of crime by his schoolyard protector, Daniel - but one night what started as petty theft escalates fatally. Now, at nineteen, Paul must bear witness against his friend to avoid imprisonment. Louisa has her own dark secrets. Having fled from them many years ago she now spends her days steeped in history, renovating the grounds of a crumbling Elizabethan mansion. But the her fragile peace is shattered when she meets Paul; he's the image of the one person she never thought she'd see again. A relationship develops between them, and Louisa starts to believe she can experience the happiness she had given up on; but it soon becomes apparent that neither of them can outrun their violent past ...
'You kept my secret. I know yours now. That makes us even.'
Bok: 213378
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