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Low Chicago
Av George R. R. Martin
Bok- presentation: |
Low Chicago |
Författar- presentation: |
George R. R. Martin |
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For decades, George R.R. Martin - bestselling author of A Song of Ice and Fire - has collaborated with an ever-shifting ensemble of science fiction and fantasy icons to create the amazing Wild Cards universe.
In the aftermath of World War II, the Earth's population was devastated by a terrifying alien virus. Those who survived were changed for ever. Some, known as Jokers, were cursed with bizarre mental and physical deformities; others, granted superhuman abilities, are known as Aces. Wild Cards tells the stories of this world.
Bok: 301476
Anmäl textfel
George R. R. Martin
Han är författaren bakom fantasyserien "Sagan om is och eld" som ligger till grund för tv-serien "Game of Thrones". Han har skrivit böcker sedan 1979 men skriver även manus till filmer och tv-serier.