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No Place to Hide

Av Glenn Greenwald

No Place to Hide
Glenn Greenwald

No Place to Hide is the story of one of the greatest national security leaks in US history.

In June 2013, reporter and political commentator Glenn Greenwald published a series of reports in the Guardian which rocked the world.

The reports revealed shocking truths about the extent to which the National Security Agency had been gathering information about US citizens and intercepting communication worldwide, and were based on documents leaked by former National Security Agency employee Edward Snowden to Greenwald.

Including new revelations from documents entrusted to Greenwald by Snowden, this essential book tells the story of Snowden and the NSA, explores the extraordinary cooperation between private industry and the NSA and examines the far-reaching consequences of the government's surveillance program, both in the US and abroad.


Förlag: Penguin Books Ltd.
Lagerstatus: Definitivt slut

No Place to Hide is the story of one of the greatest national security leaks in US history.

In June 2013, reporter and political commentator Glenn Greenwald published a series of reports in the Guardian which rocked the world.

The reports revealed shocking truths about the extent to which the National Security Agency had been gathering information about US citizens and intercepting commun

Utgivningsdatum: 20140501

Förlag: Macmillan US
Lagerstatus: Definitivt slut

In May 2013, Glenn Greenwald set out for Hong Kong to meet an anonymous source who claimed to have astonishing evidence of pervasive government spying and insisted on communicating only through heavily encrypted channels. That source turned out to be the 29-year-old NSA contractor Edward Snowden, and his revelations about the agencys widespread, systemic overreach proved to be some of the most e

In May 2013, Glenn Greenwald set out for Hong Kong to meet an anonymous source who claimed to have astonishing evidence of pervasive government spying and insisted on communicating only through heavily encrypted channels. That source turned out to be the 29-year-old NSA contractor Edward Snowden, and his revelations about the agencys widespread, systemic overreach proved to be some of the most explosive and consequential news in recent history, triggering a fierce debate over national security and information privacy. As the arguments rage on and the government considers various proposals for reform, it is clear that we have yet to see the full impact of Snowdens disclosures.

Now for the first time, Greenwald fits all the pieces together, recounting his high-intensity ten-day trip to Hong Kong, examining the broader implications of the surveillance detailed in his reporting for The Guardian, and revealing fresh information on the NSAs unprecedented abuse of power with never-before-seen documents entrusted to him by Snowden himself.

Going beyond NSA specifics, Greenwald also takes on the establishment media, excoriating their habitual avoidance of adversarial reporting on the government and their failure to serve the interests of the people. Finally, he asks what it means both for individuals and for a nations political health when a government pries so invasively into the private lives of its citizensand considers what safeguards and forms of oversight are necessary to protect democracy in the digital age. Coming at a landmark moment in American history, No Place to Hide is a fearless, incisive, and essential contribution to our understanding of the U.S. surveillance state.

Utgivningsdatum: 20140513

Förlag: Penguin Books Ltd.
Lagerstatus: Definitivt slut
Utgivningsdatum: 20150430

Bok: 235212

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No Place to Hide (eng)

av Glenn Greenwald
No Place to Hide is the story of one of the greatest national sec...

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Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat
Kundtjänst, vardagar 9-16: 070-692 50 50
Redaktör: Sandra Sandström
Ansvarig utgivare: Linus Glansholm
Teknik: Framkant Media AB
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