Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat 
The Gonzo Papers Anthology - Häftad
Beställningsvara, 205 kr
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The Gonzo Papers Anthology

Av Hunter S. Thompson

The Gonzo Papers Anthology
Hunter S. Thompson
Beställningsvara, 205 kr


Förlag: Pan Books Ltd
Lagerstatus: Definitivt slut

Hunter S. Thompson was the creator of a new kind of journalism and invented a new style of writing. "Gonzo" was a wild, often drug- and drink-fuelled adventure, in which Thompson examined the politics, people, and values of his times. In the three great collections of "Gonzo" writings, "The Great Shark Hunt", "Generation of Swine", and "Songs of the Doomed" he dissected the 60s, 70s, and 80s with violence, wit, anger, and occasional compassion. Collected together for the first time, "The Gonzo Papers Anthology" is an indispensable compendium of decadence, depravity, and a remarkably skewed common sense. 'Hunter Thompson elicits the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victoria's funeral' - William F. Buckley. 'No other reporter reveals how much we have to fear and loathe, yet does it so hilariously' - Nelson Algren.

Utgivningsdatum: 20091120

Förlag: Pan Books Ltd
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara

The Great Shark Hunt, Generation of Swine and Songs of the Doomed published for the first time in a single volume.

Hunter S. Thompson was the creator of a new kind of journalism and invented a new style of writing. Gonzo was a wild, often drug- and drink-fuelled adventure, in which Thompson examined the politics, people, and values of his times. In the three great collections of Gonzo writings, The Great Shark Hunt, Generation of Swine, and Songs of the Doomed he dissected the 60s, 70s, and 80s with violence, wit, anger, and occasional compassion. Collected together for the first time, The Gonzo Papers Anthology is an indispensable compendium of decadence, depravity, and a remarkably skewed common sense. 'Hunter Thompson elicits the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victoria's funeral' William F. Buckley 'No other reporter reveals how much we have to fear and loathe, yet does it so hilariously' Nelson Algren

Utgivningsdatum: 20120412

Bok: 212390

Anmäl textfel


Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson är portalfigur för den så kallade gonzojournalistiken, en journalistisk skola som sätter journalisten i centrum för händelserna och inte skyr subjektivitet och ett visst förvrängande av fakta.


Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S. Thompson är portalfigur för den så kallade gonzojournalistiken, en journalistisk skola som sätter journalisten i centrum för händelserna och inte skyr subjektivitet och ett visst förvrängande av fakta.



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Glansholms Bokhandel & Antikvariat
Kundtjänst, vardagar 9-16: 070-692 50 50
Redaktör: Sandra Sandström
Ansvarig utgivare: Linus Glansholm
Teknik: Framkant Media AB
Annonsera:  Framkant Media AB
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