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The Impossible Dead
Av Ian Rankin

Bok- presentation: |
The Impossible Dead |
Författar- presentation: |
Ian Rankin |
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Malcolm Fox is back...Fox and his team are investigating whether fellow cops covered up for Detective Paul Carter. Carter has been found guilty of misconduct, with his own uncle - also in the force - proving to be his nemesis. But what should be a simple job is soon complicated by a brutal murder and a weapon that should not even exist. A trail of revelations leads Fox back to 1985, a year of desperate unrest when letter-bombs and poisonous spores were sent to government offices, and kidnappings and murders were plotted. But while the body count rises the clock starts ticking, and a dramatic turn of events sees Fox in mortal danger.
Malcolm Fox returns in the stunning second novel in Ian Rankin's new series
Bok: 213580
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