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Endgame Book 1 - The Calling
Av James Frey, Nils Johnson, Nils Johnson-Shelton

Bok- presentation: |
Endgame Book 1 - The Calling |
Författar- presentation: |
James Frey |
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Endgame is real.
Endgame is now.
Endgame has begun.
Twelve ancient cultures were chosen millennia ago to represent humanity in Endgame, a global game that will decide the fate of humankind. Endgame has always been a possibility, but never a reality...until now.
Twelve meteorites have just struck Earth, each meteorite containing a message for a Player who has been trained for this moment.
At stake for the Players: saving their bloodline, as well as the fate of the world. And only one can win.
Endgame is real. Endgame is now. Endgame has begun.
Google Niantic is building a mobile location-based augmented reality videogame inextricably tied to the books and mythology, a major prize will be tied to a puzzle in each book, and Twentieth Century Fox has bought the movie rights. Read the Books. Find the Clues. Solve the Puzzle. Who will Win?
Endgame is real.
Endgame is now.
Endgame has begun.
Twelve ancient cultures were chosen millennia ago to represent humanity in Endgame, a global game that will decide the fate of humankind. Endgame has always been a possibility, but never a reality...until now.
Bok: 237570
Anmäl textfel
James Frey
James Frey blev världskänd för sin bok "Tusen små bitar", en bok om kampen mot missbruk som kom ut 2003. Boken presenterades som en självupplevd händelse av James Frey men efter att nättidningen The Smoking Gun publicerade uppgifter som bestred detta tog Frey tillbaka detta och medgav att flera delar i boken var förhöjda.