Söker du efter "Hundred-Year-Old Man who Climbed out of the Window and Disap" av Jonas Jonasson? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
Hundred-Year-Old Man who Climbed out of the Window and Disap
Av Jonas Jonasson

Bok- presentation: |
Hundred-Year-Old Man who Climbed out of the Window and Disap |
Författar- presentation: |
Jonas Jonasson |
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Originaltitel: | hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann |
It all starts on the one-hundredth birthday of Allan Karlsson. Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, he is waiting for the party he-never-wanted-anyway to begin. The mayor is going to be there. The press is going to be there. But, as it turns out, Allan is not...Slowly but surely Allan climbs out of his bedroom window, into the flowerbed (in his slippers) and makes his getaway. And so begins his picaresque and unlikely journey involving criminals, several murders, a suitcase full of cash, and incompetent police. As his escapades unfold, we learn something of Allan's earlier life in which - remarkably - he helped to make the atom bomb, became friends with American presidents, Russian tyrants, and Chinese leaders, and was a participant behind the scenes in many key events of the twentieth century. Already a huge bestseller across Europe, The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared is a fun, feel-good book for all ages.
On his one-hundredth birthday Allan Karlsson makes his escape from the old people's home and embarks on an unlikely and momentous adventure. The international bestselling phenomenon by Swedish sensation Jonas Jonasson.
Bok: 211058
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Jonas Jonasson
Jonas Jonasson arbetade länge som journalist innan han grundade det mycket framgångsrika medieföretagel OTW. Han drabbades dock av utbrändhet, lämnade sitt liv i Sverige och bosatte sig i Schweiz där han började skriva en bok.