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The discomfort zone : a personal history
Av Jonathan Franzen

Bok- presentation: |
The discomfort zone : a personal history |
Författar- presentation: |
Jonathan Franzen |
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The Discomfort Zone is Jonathan Franzen's memoir of growing up squirming in his own uber-sensitive skin, from a "small and fundamentally ridiculous person," through a strangely happy adolescence, into an adult with strong and inconvenient passions. His story cascades from moments of high drama into multilayered fields of sometimes truculent, sometimes piercing, always entertaining investigation and insight. Whether he's writing about the explosive dynamics of a Christian youth fellowship in the 1970s, the effects of Kafka's fiction on his own protracted quest to loose his virginity, or the web of connections between bird-watching, his all-consuming marriage, and the problem of global warming, Franzen is always feelingly engaged with the world we live in now.
Bok: 211575
Anmäl textfel
Jonathan Franzen
Hans roman "Tillrättalägganden" blev hans stora genombrott. Han är framför allt känd som en brilliant skildrare av det nutida amerikanska samhället.