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The Accursed
Av Joyce Carol Oates

Bok- presentation: |
The Accursed |
Författar- presentation: |
Joyce Carol Oates |
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This eerie tale of psychological horror sees the real inhabitants of turn-of-the-century Princeton fall under the influence of a supernatural power. New Jersey, 1905: soon-to-be commander-in-chief Woodrow Wilson is president of Princeton University. On a nearby farm, Socialist author Upton Sinclair, enjoying the success of his novel 'The Jungle', has taken up residence with his family. This is a quiet, bookish community - elite, intellectual and indisputably privileged. But when a savage lynching in a nearby town is hushed up, a horrifying chain of events is initiated - until it becomes apparent that the families of Princeton have been beset by a powerful curse. The Devil has come to this little town and not a soul will be spared. 'The Accursed' marks new territory for the masterful Joyce Carol Oates - narrated with her unmistakable psychological insight, it combines beautifully transporting historical detail with chilling fantastical elements to stunning effect.
This eerie tale of psychological horror sees the real inhabitants of turn-of-the-century Princeton fall under the influence of a supernatural power.
Bok: 215069
Anmäl textfel
Joyce Carol Oates
Joyce Carol Oates har varit en av vår tids mest produktiva och tillika hyllade författare. Hon har producerat både romaner, noveller, pjäser och lyrik. Hon har sedan många år tillbaka varit en permanent förhandstippad kandidat till Nobelpriset i Litteratur.