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Bloody Bones
Av Laurell K. Hamilton

Bok- presentation: |
Bloody Bones |
Författar- presentation: |
Laurell K. Hamilton |
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Förlag: Headline
A gripping and thrilling Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, novel 'When the monsters are involved, it's never just one dead body. One way or another the dead multiply.' First, there were the dead in the graveyard, two hundred years dead. I'd been hired to raise them to settle a dispute over who owned the land they were buried in. Then there were the three dead teenagers in the woods, slaughtered in a way I'd never seen before. And then they found the dead girl, drained of blood and left in her bed. I knew what that meant of course. It didn't take a degree in preternatural studies to figure out that something was wrong. And I was right in the middle of it. My name is Anita Blake. Welcome to my life...
Utgivningsdatum: 20100107
Bok: 212460
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