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Goodbye For Now
Av Laurie Frankel

Bok- presentation: |
Goodbye For Now |
Författar- presentation: |
Laurie Frankel |
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A poignant, heart-warming novel of love, loss and the possibility of keeping the past alive in a wholly unexpected way for fans of ONE DAY, WHEN GOD WAS A RABBIT and THE NOTEBOOK. Imagine a world in which you never have to say goodbye. A world in which you can talk to your loved ones after they've gone - About the trivial things you used to share About the things you wish you'd said while you still had the chance About how hard it is to adjust to life without them. When Sam Elling invents a computer programme that enables his girlfriend Meredith to do just this, nothing can prepare them for the success and the complications that follow. For every person who wants to say goodbye, there is someone else who can't let go. And when tragedy strikes, they have to find out whether goodbye has to be for ever. Or whether love can take on a life of its own...
Love, loss and the extraordinary potential of social networking media come together to create a powerful, moving, unforgettable novel that will make readers laugh, cry and resolve to find their own true love.
Bok: 215162
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