Söker du efter "Identity Trademarks, Logotypes and Symbols" av Ingalill Holmberg? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
Identity Trademarks, Logotypes and Symbols
Av Ingalill Holmberg, Lena Holger

Bok- presentation: |
Identity Trademarks, Logotypes and Symbols |
Författar- presentation: |
Ingalill Holmberg |
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The history surrounding logotypes provides a basis for our understanding of the ways in which artists and designers interpret the world around them. Trade marks have, as a concept, attracted broader multidisciplinary interest and have served as the starting point for hypotheses and analyses in disparate disciplines. They not only set their stamp on our patterns of consumption but also affect our personal identities and the entire community.
The creation of corporate identities and strategic design have become increasingly frequent among companies. In the book Identity - Trademarks, Logotypes and Symbols its editors have gathered the works of 26 writers who focus on various aspects of the subject. In it, for instance, trade marks arre described from a legal, economic and social perspective and at the same time the history and design of trade marks is dealt with, together with their aesthetic qualitites and the interaction between commerce and art.
Bok: 131390
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