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Walking Back to Happiness
Av Lucy Dillon

Bok- presentation: |
Walking Back to Happiness |
Författar- presentation: |
Lucy Dillon |
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Juliet's been in hiding. From her family, from her life, but most of all from the fact that Ben's not around anymore. Her mother Diane can't do anything to help. But, when she insists Juliet look after her elderly Labrador, it becomes clear that perhaps the dog, Coco, could help her daughter where she couldn't. Catching on, her neighbours ask Juliet for help with their pets too. But then so does Mark, the gorgeous spaniel-owner she meets out dogwalking. And before she knows it, Juliet realises she's somehow become the town's unofficial petsitter, and is now privy to all the lives and secrets of everyone whose animals she's caring for. But as her first winter alone approaches, she finally begins to wonder if it's time to face up to her own secrets? To start rebuilding her own life? And maybe -- just maybe -- to fall in love again?
Bok: 213022
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Lucy Dillon
Lucy Dillon föddes 1974 i Cumbria, i nordvästra England. År 2011 gav hon ut "Ensamma hjärtan och hemlösa hundar" som snabbt steg högt på topplistor världen över.