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The Secret ofHappy Ever After
Av Lucy Dillon

Bok- presentation: |
The Secret ofHappy Ever After |
Författar- presentation: |
Lucy Dillon |
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When story-lover Anna takes over Longhampton's bookshop, it's her dream come true. And not just because it gets her away from her three rowdy stepchildren and their hyperactive Dalmatian. Unpacking boxes filled with childhood classics, Anna can't shake the feeling that maybe her own fairytale ending isn't all that she'd hoped for. But, as the stories of love, adventure, secret gardens, lost dogs, wicked witches and giant peaches breathe new life into the neglected shop, Anna and her customers get swept up in the magic too. Even Anna's best friend Michelle - who categorically doesn't believe in true love and handsome princes - isn't immune. But when secrets from Michelle's own childhood come back to haunt her, and disaster threatens Anna's home, will the wisdom and charm of the stories in the bookshop help the two friends - and those they love - find their own happy ever afters?
Bok: 213489
Anmäl textfel
Lucy Dillon
Lucy Dillon föddes 1974 i Cumbria, i nordvästra England. År 2011 gav hon ut "Ensamma hjärtan och hemlösa hundar" som snabbt steg högt på topplistor världen över.