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Seven for a Secret
Av Lyndsay Faye

Bok- presentation: |
Seven for a Secret |
Författar- presentation: |
Lyndsay Faye |
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Timothy and Valentine Wilde must once again delve into the darkest underbelly of old New York.
Timothy and Valentine Wilde must once again delve into the darkest underbelly of old New York.
When the beautiful and terrified Mrs Lucy Adams stumbles into the Tombs, headquarters of New York's newly formed police force, it's the beginning of a dense, thorny maze of crime for copper star Timothy Wilde.
He's hardened to the injustices of life in the unforgiving city he's grown up in, but that doesn't mean he accepts it. With immigrants flooding into the docks every day, each community is both adapting and fighting for its place in the new world, and there are many who fall victim to the clash.
But the worst menace growing on the streets are the blackbirders; slave catchers who make a tidy sum from their human trade. And Timothy is about to be taken right to heart of them...
Bok: 235363
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