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The Stag and Hen Weekend
Av Mike Gayle

Bok- presentation: |
The Stag and Hen Weekend |
Författar- presentation: |
Mike Gayle |
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The Stag and Hen Weekend is the story of Phil and Helen, a couple in their thirties about to commit their lives to one another ...that is of course if they can just manage to get through their respective stag and hen weekends (his: Amsterdam; hers: a country house and day spa in the Peak District) without falling apart. Told in the unique form of two separate stories that have common characters as well as themes and conclusion, The Stag and Hen Weekend can be read from front to back or from back to front putting the reader in the driver's seat as to which story they wish to read first. Feisty, fun and thought provoking.
For anyone who is even thinking of getting married...
Bok: 215139
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