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The First Phone Call From Heaven
Av Mitch Albom

Bok- presentation: |
The First Phone Call From Heaven |
Författar- presentation: |
Mitch Albom |
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The gift of heaven on earth. It will become the biggest story in the world ...When the residents of a small town on Lake Michigan start receiving phone calls from the afterlife, they all become the subject of widespread attention. Is it the greatest miracle ever or a massive hoax? Sully Harding, a grief-stricken single father, is determined to find out. This is a story about the power of belief -- and a page-turner that will touch your soul. The internationally bestselling and inspirational author of Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven, returns with his most moving, surprising and compelling novel yet. The perfect introduction, or re-introduction, to the masterful storytelling of one of the best-loved writers of our time.
The gift of heaven on earth. It will become the biggest story in the world ...When the residents of a small town on Lake Michigan start receiving phone calls from the afterlife, they all become the subject of widespread attention. Is it the greatest miracle ever or a massive hoax? Sully Harding, a grief-stricken single father, is determined to find out. This is a story about the power of belief -
Bok: 222896
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