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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Av Pauline Francis
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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde |
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Pauline Francis |
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The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde published in 1886, was not Robert Louis Stevenson's first novel, but it was the one that helped to make him famous in his lifetime. The spine-chilling story shows the struggle
between good and evil that Dr Jekyll faced, and how, in the end, his own good nature was overpowered by the evil in himself.
Essential Classics (from Evans publishing) are a quick way into a range of exciting stories. These stories are shortened versions of the classic novels,
which lose none of the strength and flavour of the original. Eaxh title has a detailed glossary and test yourself questions at the back of the back.
Kommer även på svenska våren 2011.
Ges ut i Sverige via lättläst-förlaget Hegas. Läs mer på www.hegas.se
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is the spine-chilling story which shows the struggle between the good and evil that Dr Jekyll faced, and how, in the end, his own good nature was overpowered by the evil in himself.
Retold classic in a shortened version. Each title has a detailed glossery, and test yourself questions at the back of the book.
Ges ut i Sverige via lättläst-förlaget Hegas. Läs mer på www.hegas.se
Bok: 177995
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