Söker du efter "Dracula" av Pauline Francis? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
Av Pauline Francis
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Dracula |
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Pauline Francis |
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Dracula was written by Bram (Abraham) Stoker in 1897 and it was so popular that a paperback was published just three years later. This chilling tale, which is told through the diaries and letters of the main character, is the story of Count Dracula, a vampire who comes to England from Transylvania to feed on new blood and to widen his verincreasing circle of vampires!
Essential Classics (from Evans publishing) are a quick way into a range of exciting stories. These stories are shortened versions of the classic novels,
which lose none of the strength and flavour of the original. Eaxh title has a detailed glossary and test yourself questions at the back of the back.
Kommer även på svenska våren 2011.
Ges ut i Sverige genom lättläst-förlaget Hegas. Läs mer på www.hegas.se
Dracula is a haunting tale, and is told through diaries and letters. It is the story of Count Dracula, a vampire who comes to England to feed on new blood and to widen his circle of vampires.
Retold classic in a shortened version. Each title has a detailed glossery, and test yourself questions at the back of the book.
Kommer även ut på svenska våren 2011.
Ges ut i Sverige genom lättläst-förlaget Hegas. Läs mer på www.hegas.se
Bok: 177996
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