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Mary Ventura and the Ninth Kingdom
Av Sylvia Plath
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Mary Ventura and the Ninth Kingdom |
Författar- presentation: |
Sylvia Plath |
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Written while Sylvia Plath was a student at Smith College in 1952, Mary Ventura and The Ninth Kingdom tells the story of a young woman's fateful train journey.
Lips the color of blood, the sun an unprecedented orange, train wheels that sound like "guilt, and guilt, and guilt" these are just some of the things Mary Ventura begins to notice on her journey to the ninth kingdom."But what is the ninth kingdom?" she asks a kind-seeming lady in her carriage. "It is the kingdom of the frozen will," comes the reply. "There is no going back."Sylvia Plath's strange, dark tale of female agency and independence, written not long after she herself left home, grapples with mortality in motion.
Bok: 301451
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Sylvia Plath
Den amerikanska författaren Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) är främst känd för sin poesi, som skrivits med stora självbiografiska inslag.