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Changing My Mind
Av Zadie Smith

Bok- presentation: |
Changing My Mind |
Författar- presentation: |
Zadie Smith |
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How did George Eliots love life affect her prose? Why did Kafka write at three in the morning? In what ways is Barack Obama like Eliza Doolittle? Can you be over-dressed for the Oscars? What is Italian Feminism? If Roland Barthes killed the Author, can Nabokov revive him? What does soulful mean? Is Date Movie the worst film ever made?
A collection of essays that brims over with personality and warmth, Changing My Mind is journalism at its most expansive, intelligent and funny a gift to readers and writers both. Within its covers an essay is more than a column of opinions: its a space in which to think freely.
Bok: 212551
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