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Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party
Av Alexander McCall Smith

Bok- presentation: |
Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party |
Författar- presentation: |
Alexander McCall Smith |
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As the countdown to Mma Makutsi's wedding begins, all is not as it should be at the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency. While investigating unpleasant occurrences on a southern cattle-post, Mma Ramotswe, always on the side of the weak against the strong, has reason to reflect on Rule No.3 of The Principles of Private Detection: never lie to the client. Apprentice mechanic Charlie seems to be avoiding certain important responsibilities. And as Mma Makutsi's big day approaches, her nemesis Violet Sephotho is casting her net wider: by standing for election which could spell trouble for the entire nation. But as friends and family gather under starry African night skies, it turns out that even the most perplexing of apparitions - and the most shocking of crimes - may yield to rational explanation. And, of course, to Mma Ramotswe's inimitable way with love, intuition and redbush tea
Mma Ramotswe's twelfth adventure
Bok: 213949
Anmäl textfel
Alexander McCall Smith
Han har skrivit ett 60-tal böcker som sammanlagt sålt i över 15 miljoner exemplar runt om i världen. I Sverige är han mest känd för böckerna om "Damernas detektivbyrå" med den tedrickande huvudpersonen Mma Ramotswe.