Söker du efter "The Importance of Being Seven" av Alexander McCall Smith? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
The Importance of Being Seven
Av Alexander McCall Smith

Bok- presentation: |
The Importance of Being Seven |
Författar- presentation: |
Alexander McCall Smith |
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Despite inhabiting a great city renowned for its impeccable restraint, the extended family of 44 Scotland Street is trembling on the brink of reckless self-indulgence. Matthew and Elspeth receive startling - and expensive - news on a visit to the Infirmary, Angus and Domenica are contemplating an Italian menage a trois, and even Big Lou is overheard discussing cosmetic surgery. But when Bertie Pollock - six years old and impatient to be seven - mislays his meddling mother Irene one afternoon, a valuable lesson is learned: that wish-fulfilment is a dangerous business. Warm-hearted, wise and very funny, The Importance of Being Seven brings us a fresh and delightful set of insights into philosophy and fraternity among Edinburgh's most loveable residents.
Bok: 212954
Anmäl textfel
Alexander McCall Smith
Han har skrivit ett 60-tal böcker som sammanlagt sålt i över 15 miljoner exemplar runt om i världen. I Sverige är han mest känd för böckerna om "Damernas detektivbyrå" med den tedrickande huvudpersonen Mma Ramotswe.