Söker du efter "The Uncommon Appeal of Clouds" av Alexander McCall Smith? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
The Uncommon Appeal of Clouds
Av Alexander McCall Smith

Bok- presentation: |
The Uncommon Appeal of Clouds |
Författar- presentation: |
Alexander McCall Smith |
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As a mother, wife, employer and editor of the Review of Applied Ethics, Isabel Dalhousie is aware that to be human is to be responsible. So when a neighbour brings her a new and potentially dangerous puzzle to solve, once again Isabel feels she has no option but to shoulder the burden. A masterpiece painting has been stolen from Duncan Munrowe, old-fashioned philanthropist, father to two discontented children, and a very wealthy man. As Isabel enters into negotiations with the shadowy figures who are in search of a ransom, a case where heroes and villains should be clearly defined turns murky: the list of those who desire the painting - or the money - lengthens, and hasty judgement must be avoided at all cost. Morals, it turns out, are like Scottish clouds: complex, changeable and tricky to get a firm grip on; they require a sharp observational eye, a philosophical mindset, and the habit of kindness. Fortunately for those around her, Isabel Dalhousie is in possession of all three.
Bok: 214415
Anmäl textfel
Alexander McCall Smith
Han har skrivit ett 60-tal böcker som sammanlagt sålt i över 15 miljoner exemplar runt om i världen. I Sverige är han mest känd för böckerna om "Damernas detektivbyrå" med den tedrickande huvudpersonen Mma Ramotswe.