Söker du efter "Gold" av Chris Cleave? Du kan sluta leta. Våra experter i antikvariat hjälper dig eftersöka boken - utan extra kostnad - och den levereras direkt hem i brevlådan.
Av Chris Cleave

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Gold |
Författar- presentation: |
Chris Cleave |
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Usually, this is where we'd tell you what this book is about. But with Chris Cleave, it's a bit different. Because if you've read THE OTHER HAND or INCENDIARY, you'll know that what his books are about is only part of the story - what really matters is how they make you feel. GOLD is about the limits of human endurance, both physical and emotional. It will make you cry. GOLD is about what drives us to succeed - and what we choose to sacrifice for success. It will make you feel glad to be alive. GOLD is about the struggles we all face every day; the conflict between winning on others' terms, and triumphing on your own. It will make you count your blessings. GOLD is a story told as only Chris Cleave could tell it. And once you begin, it will be a heart-pounding race to the finish.
The extraordinary new novel from the author of international bestseller THE OTHER HAND.
Heartwrenching and timely, GOLD is a novel about love, family frailty and strength.
The extraordinary third novel from Chris Cleave, author of the internationally bestselling, Costa-shortlisted THE OTHER HAND. Kate and Zoe are friends but also ardent rivals - athletes at the top of their game, fighting to compete in the world's greatest sporting contest. Each scarred by tragedy, and each with a great deal to lose, they must choose between family and glory and ask themselves: what will I sacrifice? GOLD captures the extraordinary effort and dedication that go into the pursuit of victory. But this life-affirming novel is about more than sport. It is about human endurance, motherhood and love, and what enables us all, in our different ways, to achieve the remarkable. It is a story told as only Chris Cleave could tell it. And once you begin, it will be a heart-pounding race to the finish.
Bok: 214042
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Chris Cleave
Han är en brittisk författare och journalist som debuterade 2005 med romanen "Incendiary". Boken har översattes och givits ut i ett tjugotal länder och prisades med Somerset Maugham Award år 2006 och blev film 2008.
Våren 2012 kom hans bok "Little bee" ut på svenska.